Tonight was the annual Mardi Gras-style parade at one of our MANY retirement community mobile home parks in Naples. I could not decide which of these pictures I liked the best. I was going to only post one. But, maybe you can help me. I know what I think. I like the first one, but the pole drives me a little insane. Not like... I'll be committed... insane. More like... give me some Paxil.. insane. I like the portrait, but it lacks something dynamic. What is your opinion?
I had a great time for the hour I was with these folks. I told them that I wanted to move in to their park. They said it could only happen if I married someone who was old enough to live there. I guess I'll just have to visit.

I like the first one, the pole doesn't bother me too much, it is a trailer park and they have poles there!
The first one, definately. The pole, not to be mistaken for someone of Polish descent, is only an uncomfortable compliment to the outfit - which is creepy. Visual tension through subjectmatter and're such a good photographer.
I'm liking both. But I agree, the first one is where it's at. I'm glad I lived in Florida so I can truly appreciate these photos! No worries about the phone tag, we'll connect. Stay well :) Luv.....
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