Seeing the world through coke-bottom glasses. All photos copyright Lexey Swall or the Naples Daily News.
This is like, pretty awesome!
I really enjoyed your clip and the article. Thank you!
These are great photos. The spread doe them justice. It's great Naples still has the opportunity to do that.
I was checking out the Naples staff photos from the storm, and I really liked what I saw from you. A quick Google search lead me to your blog. Love the nuns story. Beautiful photos with a great spread in the paper. Hearing the nuns in the audio really adds a lot. Nice job.Good luck with Fay.
Great job, Lex! Keep up the good work!I have a old college teammate who's now a sister in Mexico, I remember her differently and seeing her as a nun is a bit strange. You hit on something with this though, we aren't that different no matter what we wear or believe.
Just got to watch the slideshow. Very nice. Love the music in the background, pacing was great.
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This is like, pretty awesome!
I really enjoyed your clip and the article. Thank you!
These are great photos. The spread doe them justice. It's great Naples still has the opportunity to do that.
I was checking out the Naples staff photos from the storm, and I really liked what I saw from you. A quick Google search lead me to your blog.
Love the nuns story. Beautiful photos with a great spread in the paper. Hearing the nuns in the audio really adds a lot. Nice job.
Good luck with Fay.
Great job, Lex! Keep up the good work!
I have a old college teammate who's now a sister in Mexico, I remember her differently and seeing her as a nun is a bit strange. You hit on something with this though, we aren't that different no matter what we wear or believe.
Just got to watch the slideshow. Very nice. Love the music in the background, pacing was great.
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