Seeing the world through coke-bottom glasses. All photos copyright Lexey Swall or the Naples Daily News.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Today I photographed a Bridge tournament. I know only one of these pictures even looks like a card game. But, I was more fascinated with faces, I guess. Some of these people were very serious about their Bridge. The woman in picture number four told me..... now, I don't know if she said I was annoying or the fact I was taking pictures was annoying. Either way, she said I didn't belong in a bridge room. Eh...
these are just awsome photos. i love them i love photographing the "elderly". it must have been fun for you to be able to capture the emotions from this game.
#4 is crabby b/c she's circling the drain :)
I love the series of faces. You could do a whole portrait project on concentrating bridge players.
I love the first one, and you are annoying, duh!
I guess when you get old you don't have to hold your tongue, nor do you need to be nice. I can't wait to get old so I can tell you all to "fuck off!"
Only in Florida. Love the glasses in the mouth, F@#$@#@#$ love it.
The 4th gal is unhappy w/ the eyebrow job she got(makes everything else stand out). Reminds me of Cruella
De Ville.
The first pic is 'playing' cards.
Some ofthem do look scary!
Yo take beautiful pictures. I love coming here.
hahaha, and how did you reply to her?
I said, oh. Ok.
these are just awsome photos. i love them i love photographing the "elderly". it must have been fun for you to be able to capture the emotions from this game.
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